Growing up I have fond memories of building rockets, meticulously painting them and the adding decals, preparing them for launch and watching them scream into the sky and slowly parachute back to earth. Of course not every attempt was picture perfect. Some were blown way off course never to be seen again, and others succumbed to a tragic crash when the parachute failed.
This week I was pleasantly surprised when I picked the little man up from the Grandparents house that my Dad was now passing the enjoyment on to the next generation.
It brought back such wonderful memories for me, as the kits haven't changed a whole lot from when I used to do them.
S. was so excited when it was finished... He couldn't wait till Saturday to launch it off!
We went to a local park with wide open space to shoot it off, and met the Grandparents there.

We had 6 engines to burn, and everyone who wanted to push the button got a chance. We only had one launch where the parachute didn't open up all the way, but all the others were perfect.